FinanzOnline access IDs for legal entities and associations of individuals
Here you will find all the information about issuing FinanzOnline access IDs for legal entities and associations of individuals.

Für Informationen auf Deutsch klicken Sie hier.

If your company is based in Austria, you can find further information here.

If you require access data for FinanzOnline as a natural person (including individual entrepreneurs), please click here.

If you require a consultation for this process, you can book a video consultation appointment here. However, please note that only general information can be provided during this appointment.

As a service, we can issue FinanzOnline login details via a video identification procedure. To do this, there are the following requirements:

  • Fill in the form FON1 and save it on your computer. For the FON1 form, you can find filling in instructions in English here.
  • Book an appointment for the video identification procedure online. There will be a link to open the video identification procedure in the appointment confirmation sent by e-mail.
  • Have the completed and signed FON1 form ready in electronic format (PDF), as well as a valid passport (for EU member states, an identity card is also possible) and start the video identification procedure at the booked appointment time (link in appointment confirmation). You can find all of the technical requirements here.


If several people are jointly authorised to represent your company, all of them must take part in the video identification process. If a person authorised to represent you does not take part in the video appointment, their participation can be cancelled by submitting a certifies special power of attorney bearing a qualified electronic signature.

No further documents are required.

You will also require the following:

  • the questionnaire for disclosing a commercial activity (Verf15 or Verf18 or Verf19). Have the completed and signed version of this document (if an electronic signature option recognised in Austria is available, with a qualified electronic signature) ready in electronic format (PDF).
  • the memorandum, the articles of association or the statute in electronic format (PDF)*.
  • an extract from the commercial register/association register in electronic format (PDF)*.
  • *) If a document is written in a language or lettering type that is not understandable, a certified translation into German or English must be available in electronic format.

If the video identification procedure has a positive outcome, you will receive the FinanzOnline login details for the company straight away during the video appointment. You can then use FinanzOnline immediately. You can specify other users yourself within FinanzOnline.

In this case, sign the forms directly in the video appointment and then submit the scanned documents directly in the appointment (upload).